<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/092cd700-72f1-4a24-b565-b581fef1f587/a5200d02-244a-4092-9725-b750da1f1aa9/SUBLIME_3.27.25_PM.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/092cd700-72f1-4a24-b565-b581fef1f587/a5200d02-244a-4092-9725-b750da1f1aa9/SUBLIME_3.27.25_PM.png" width="40px" /> Information can move at the speed of light.
Software can scale infinitely.
But culture, quality, and human connection cannot move faster than the rate at which trust can grow.
Because Sublime is a living, breathing network of people, the people using it really matter.
We are choosing to grow at the speed of trust, unconstrained by the pressures of speed and scale.
Our goal is resonance, not scale.
Thank you for being here.